INTRODUCTION TO APOLOGETICS: Explains what is Apologetics and why is it necessary
What is Apologetics? : The word Apologetics comes from the Gk word " Apologia" meaning defense, or "give an answer" . It is a formal defense of a position or action.
Christian apologetics is the, assertion and defense of the Christian faith to outsiders .
Scriptures that ask to do apologetics:
1Pe 3:15, Jude 3, Pro 22:20 , Titus 1:10-16 2Cor 10:3-5
Scriptures showing examples: 2Pe 1:16-21 Phil. 1:7, 1:17, Acts 6:9, 15:5-12, 17:17-24 1Cor 15:12-58 Matt. 22:41-46, John 14:8-12,
John 10:32-38, John 8:12-59, John 3:2-21, 1Jo 4:1-3, Gen 9:29
2Chr 13:4-12. Job 38,39,40
Apologetics motif can be found in all the books of the Bible.
Nature of Apologetics:
Apologetics is like war as described in 2Cor.10:3-5 . IT requires readiness, It is done in earnest with humility " fear and trembling " 1pe.3:15 .
It is not an instrument for strife nor for boastings of the pride of higher learning, nor belittling another person.
It is intellectual, meaning intellect plus wisdom.
Apologetics as war:
The war is a battle of ideas . Ideas have consequences . The serpents idea Gen 3:4,which was devised to undermine God's idea Gen 2:16-17 corrupted the human race when it was believed and followed by Adam and Eve. Gen 3:1-19.
In 2Cor 10:3-5 we are told war against false ideas and in Jude 3, to contend for our faith .
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NLT
[3] We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. [4] We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. [5] We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. …
Types of apologetics come in categories.
Two general domains are :
(1) Positive (Offensive) Apologetics . This is the assertion and explanation of the Christian faith. The Christian worldview is presented as a claim or hypothesis to the unbeliever and a rational basis of that worldview is presented. (Example see how Paul defends the resurrection in 1Cor 15:1-20 and the Lord defends who He is or His deity by giving rational basis for such assertions.( Jn 14:11)
The Christian also gives answers to the inquiring mind concerning the faith. 1Pe 3:15
(2) Negative ( defensive) Apologetics. ).
(a) Here the Christian responds in defense to the attacks or negative claims against the Christian worldview.
(b) Negative apologetics also means tearing down of false reasonings that contradict the Christian faith. This, sometimes could be polemic in language. Ps 14, Lk 11:45-54
Under the above categories are other two :
1. Classical Apologetics ( Evidential ) vs. 2. Presuppositional Apologetics:
Of these two seemingly opposed methods, many Apologists have made a sport of intellectual competition to no avail. They ignore the fact that a person is not exclusively bound to one method but has the liberty to use which method suits which settings. Both sides can use evidence at some point. The key wisdom is adaptability- knowing how to approach the issue.
(...that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary...”Is 50:4)
“...I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some...” 1Cor 9: 19-22
(1). Classical Apologetics:
In the method of Classical Apologetics the apologist makes it as a first step to prove the existence of God. He does so by starting with a common ground with the opponent such as a universal truth -axioms, or a priori, nature, Logic, Mathematics etc. In this sense classical apologetics is by definition axiopistic-(self evident truth). For instance: one may reason ; does my opponent agree with me that we both exist because we are both thinking? If yes then where does thinking or reasoning come from.? Where do numbers come from? Etc .
He proceeds to prove the existence of God with more rational or empirical evidence and to persuade the opponent of the viability of the Christian Faith.
Classical Apologetics is particularly very interesting and beneficial in intellectual training because of its good use of philosophy. It uses systems such as the Ontological argument, Teleological argument, Cosmological argument and many more.
(1a) Evidential Apologetics:
Evidential apologetics is almost like classical apologetics. It uses evidence to defend the Christian truth but unlike classical apologetics, it does not make it as a rule to first proof the existence of God before proceeding.
(3) Presuppositional Apologetics.
The apologist here posits some presuppositions as a condition for all knowledge and meaningfulness . ( a presupposition is an idea or a premise upon which an argument based but that premise is not necessarily proven as truth or viable.) It is assumed that it is true by the speaker.
A debate can be dragged on for years or end in false conclusions if there are undetected false presuppositions. Professional debaters and all rational people could save themselves the headache of long arguments by examining their own presuppositions and that of their opponents before their conclusions. Many presuppositions could be false assumptions)
This however does not diminish the importance of presuppositions.
We all need to use it at some times. We all use it many times even when we are not aware of it ; whether we be scientists or religionists.
The presuppositional apologist demands that his opponent accepts:
(a) That the triune God has revealed Himself in scripture.
(b) That the Christian faith is the only true religion and all the others have internal contradictions.
A concern here is that a religion can prove coherence within its own worldview but not pass moral and epistemic adjudications and correspondence to reality.
Dr Ravi Zacharias and others offer a criteria for testing all religions for truth.
All religions must be examined in their; ORIGIN, MEANING, MORALITY AND DESTINY
and all four areas must be tested for COHERENCE, CORRESPONDENCE TO TRUTH- (epistemic and logical satisfaction), AND EXPERIENTIAL RELEVANCE- ( its livability or practicality in real life)
Presuppositionalists claim that the Christian faith is self authenticating ( autopistic).
Example 1 God could swear to non greater but by Himself. Heb 6:13-16, Is 45:23, Jer 22:5.
Example 2 The Bible has its internal and historical self authentication; Eg. In prophetic fulfillments, over 300 prophecies are fulfilled in Jesus .
Example3. The historical development and coherence of the Bible of its 66 books, by 40 authors of diverse origin, time and vocations, written in a period of about 1600 years prove a supernatural single intelligent source.
(C) The Christian worldview is the only rational explanation for existence and meaningfulness of life. Due to the noetic effect of sin as theoretically defined by Augustine in the Original Sin and its resulting depravity of man, one cannot properly understand scripture for all its worth without divine assistance . One therefore must first believe (be regenerated ) in order to understand.
Within this system can be found 3 slightly diverse approaches.
A. Transcendental or Revelational Presuppositionalism:
This group posits that one must begin with the belief that the Triune God has revealed Himself in scripture
B. Rational Presuppositionalism :
This theory goes further than the Revelational Presuppositionalism. It gives a rational defense of those claims: It proves the rationality of a triune God and the fact that He has revealed Himself to us . It exposes contradictions in the other world views true a test criteria as explained previously above.
C. Systematic Consistency Presuppositionalism:
In this system, the apologist puts an entire system through a test for truth, Coherence rationality and liveability.
Philosophical Apologetics is by relevance the adjudication of the conflict between the wisdom of man and the wisdom of God. Col 2:8, 1Cor 1: 19-24 Deut 4:5-6. It seeks by reason to persuade the opponent of the superiority of the Christian Worldview above all others.
To understand what is philosophical Apologetics is, it will be easier to first understand the meaning of the word philosophy both in its (a) etymological form and its (b) function as a discipline.
1. Definition by Etymology- (a) Philo (Gk) - Love , sophia (Gk) -wisdom.
The implication of this is about wisdom of ideas, a belief system or one’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding of life and living by it. Deut 4:5-6
2. Definition as a discipline:
Critical analysis of fundamental concepts of human inquiry and the normative discussion of how human thought and action ought to function as well as description of the nature of reality. -(from Introduction to philosophy -A Christian perspective -pg 17. Norman Geisler and Paul Feinberg)
[this involves Logic, Metaphysics (Ontology) and Epistemology which are the tools needed for wisdom to live.]
In this somewhat full definition the philosopher muses about the whatness of something or reality, and questions like, why are we here ?, where are we going and how are we supposed to live? These questions are answered sufficiently by the Christian Faith or worldview but it stands at war with counter world views (Remember the Garden Gen 3:1-5 where Eve was suddenly confronted and pressured to chose between two ideas or worldviews between God and Satan
Moses presented God’s philosophy or you may call it instructions, idea, or worldview to Israel as was commanded by God that they should live that way, and not like the pagan nations .
Let’s read it:
(Deuteronomy 4:5-6 (KJV) 5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. 6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation [is] a wise and understanding people.)
Philosophical Apologetics is of extreme importance because it boils down to the way of life that one choses.
It is said that everybody is an exponent of dead philosopher.
In some Hellenistic cultures, it was the conventional wisdom or tradition for a youth or young adult to abandon whatever he is doing to follow a philosopher, a sage or a wise teacher for some time to learn wisdom.
When Peter, James and John left fishing to follow Jesus, that was their goal. Soon after His death they went back about their former business. But thanks to the radical awakening effect of the Resurrection. Jesus was their Rabbi, He is God’s wisdom (Philosophy ) 1Cor1:24, Col 2:3. Philosophy is a way of life. We follow Jesus to learn and live by His philosophy. Col 2:8b
In Acts 17:18 the Epicureans were the followers of Epicurus and the Stoicks, the followers of Zeno.
The church Fathers taught Christianity as a philosophy and other words as a way of life. The mention of philosophy does not necessarily preclude spiritual components. Remember that the Bible is not against philosophy. It is against philosophy which contradicts God’s truth and on the other hand commends philosophy which is after Christ. Col 2:8
Today your pastor might have preached to you that Christianity is not a religion but a way of life.
Christianity is undeniably a religion nevertheless it is a way of life also. A way of life does not negate the fact that it is a religion, neither does it negate the idea that it is a relationship. The point I am trying to make is that Christianity is a philosophy.
The task of Philosophical Apologetics is to defend the Christian philosophy against other philosophies of the world and prove that it is better.
The implication of the word philosophy encompasses the three Key words repeatedly stressed of their importance by the Bible - KNOWLEDGE WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING.
Moses bore witness of the superiority of God’s wisdom (philosophy ) for Israel over that of the other nations by referring to it as God’s STATUTES and JUDGEMENTS as their wisdom and understanding.
Deuteronomy 4:5-8 (KJV) 5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. 6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. 7 For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? 8 And what nation [is there so] great, that hath statutes and judgments [so] righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
The church Fathers saw Christianity as a better philosophy than the secular ones. Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Pantaenus, Agustine not only left their secular philosophy for Christianity but turn around to be Apologists contra those philosophies such as Gnosticism, Stoicism, Manichaeism , Neo-Platonism.
As mentioned earlier Philosophical Apologetics is by relevance the adjudication of the conflict between the wisdom of man and the wisdom of God. Col 2:8, 1Cor 1: 19-24 Deut 4:5-6. It seeks by reason to persuade the opponent of the superiority of the Christian Worldview above all others.
The apologist will try to proof the existence of God with philosophical arguments such as the Ontological, Cosmological, Teleological etc just like classical apologetics. However he goes further to deal with or challenge some fundamental concepts.
The abortion debate is essentially a philosophical debate: it involves the personhood argument, and by extension the right to choose, the right to life, the moral justification of mother’s privacy privileges, versus the justification of the natural autonomy of the unborn agent.
Jesus challenged the fundamental concepts of His time on earth because those concepts though fundamental to their beliefs were still wrong, so He questioned and or corrected them. Eg What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul (Mk 8:36 ). Not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person but what comes out of him, (Matt 15:1).
Love your enemies and do good to those who spitefully use you. ( Matt 5:44) If ..David calls him Lord how is he his son? (22:42-45).
Augustine challenged the conventional belief and teachings of the Greek and Roman philosophy with his Christian dogma that man is morally corrupted and essentially depraved and that the state cannot make him good by coercive methods as believed by the generation of that era.
These in short are biblical world views that must be philosophically defended in contrast with the secular world views.
Philosophical apologetics is also metaphysical. Critical definitions, analysis of nature and origin of terms and concepts are necessary. Such as the concept of the Trinity, Original Sin, the essence of the Eucharist, the ontology of Christ - the hypostatic union, Logos, etc.
It also answers speculative questions such as who are we? why are we here?, where are we going?, what is death and what is beyond it? why is there evil if God is omnipotent, good and loving? etc.
The church fathers saw the need of philosophy in their apologetics to carve out by definition and distinguish Christianity from almost similar philosophies such as Neo Platonism, Manichaeism, Hermetism, Gnoticism, Stoicism, Epicureanism at their time.
In our current era one of the top philosophical conflicts is the war against Christian anthropology. The Christian worldview about the nature of man. Is the baby in the womb a person? Can same sex naturally marry? Can men have babies as claimed by college professor Lamont? Do we have only two genders? Does man have spirit soul and body and continuity after death? Does the original sin have a universal noetic effect on humanity.
Man’s philosophy today is not after Christ but after the traditions and rudiments of this world (Col 2:8). It poses the greatest apologetic challenges of our time. What the world is demanding will require the abandonment of the core beliefs of Christianity.
Postmodernism denies objective truth. Political philosophies such as Socialism, Progressives, ( American liberalism) are opposed to Christianity.
Here is a disturbing but true commentary from J P Moreland’s book ‘WE CANNOT BE SILENT’
Theo Hobson’s observation that the moral revolution we now face presents the Christian church with what he sees as a nearly insurmountable challenge because the current situation in the culture appears to call for the virtual abandonment of everything Christians have known from the Bible and everything the Christian church has taught for two thousand years. Understanding the challenge before us is a necessary first step, but the Christian church is called not only to understand the challenge but to respond to it in faithfulness.
As Flannery O’Connor rightly warned, our responsibility is to “push as hard as the age that pushes against you.”
This system analysis the end or goal of secular cultural fads, and systems. It challenges their presuppositions, moral points of references, absolutes and justification of virtues to proof that all of the above are either impossible or meaningless without God.
Example: What is the goal of music? Whether it is to communicate message, or a mood, how does that come about?
This section will show how the Bible and Christianity relate to Politics and whether Christians should get involved in politics.
I often hear some say Christians shouldn’t get involved in politics.
I sigh at the inexplicable dissonance of many well meaning Christians that desire for prayer and bible to return to schools yet avow themselves never to be involved in politics, as if that was a virtue of holiness. These Christians might nevertheless vote but often vote for political candidates that hold policies that are diametrically opposed to their beliefs. They want prayer or Bible in school, they want the reverence of the nuclear family, respect for life, and the fear of God in their children but will vote against the candidates that hold these same values and turn around and blame them government for miseducating our children.
What happened to
You may win every battle, but if you lose the war of ideas, you will have lost the war. You may lose every battle, but if you win the war of ideas, you will have won the war. My deepest fear--and your greatest problem--is that you may not be winning the war of ideas."
The university is a clear-cut fulcrum with which to move the world. More potently than by any other means, change the university and you change the world.....CHARLES MALIK ..Wikipedia
Today the Christian is confronted not only by many religions such as Islam,New Age, and Hinduism but also by secular Movements and philosophies; Atheism Agnosticism, Modernism, Postmodernism, Liberalism, Secular Humanism which have pervaded the Academia, Politics, Hollywood and the Tech Giants .
Christian worldview is censored in schools, colleges, universities and other public places deliberately and strategically .
A look at the few comments below may give you the heads up:
1: John Dunphy a secular humanist : "I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being. There teachers must embody the same selfless dedication of the most rabid fundamentalist preacher, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level -- preschool, daycare, or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new -- the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of 'love thy neighbor' will finally be achieved
- John J. Dunphy: Humanist author: Source: "A Religion For A New Age," The Humanist magazine, January-February 1983 [Volume 43, Number 1]
“. . . we try to arrange things so that students who enter as bigoted, homophobic, religious fundamentalists will leave college with views more like our own ... we do our best to convince these students of the benefits of secularization. We assign first-person accounts of growing up homosexual to our homophobic students for the same reasons that German schoolteachers in the postwar period assigned The Diary of Anne Frank... You have to be educated in order to be ... a participant in our conversation ... So we are going to go right on trying to discredit you in the eyes of your children, trying to strip your fundamentalist religious community of dignity, trying to make your views seem silly rather than discussable. We are not so inclusivist as to tolerate intolerance such as yours ... I think those students are lucky to find themselves under the benevolent Herrschaft [domination] of people like me, and to have escaped the grip of their frightening, vicious, dangerous parents ...” -
Richard Rorty, former philosophy professor at Princeton University – ‘Universality and Truth,’ in Robert B. Brandom (ed.), Rorty and his Critics, pp.
21-22. “…some children are raised in such an ideological prison that they willingly become their own jailers…forbidding themselves any contact with the liberating ideas that might well change their mind.” – Danny Dennet, Breaking the Spell, pp. 324, 326.
“The contents and prospects of religion remain thoroughly problematic—and fascinating. Even within a world dominated by self-created technology, humans still will not easily accept that constructs of sense reaching out for the non obvious are nothing but self- created projections, and that no other signs from the universe around are there to be perceived except for the irregularities resounding from the first big bang.” –Walter Burkert, Creation of the Sacred, p 179.
“For the foreseeable future, [conservative parents] will continue to drop off their children at the dorms. After a teary-eyed hug, mom and dad will drive their SUV’s off toward the nearest gas station, leaving their beloved progeny behind. And then they all are mine.” - Bill Savage, Lecturer at Northwestern University (article "Lessons Learned.").
Many Christians are either unaware of the cultural war or do not know how to confront it.
In the proliferation of education and information this age requires rational answers. We need to demonstrate to the inquiring mind that the Christian faith is not a blind faith but a rational one.
Unfortunately anti intellectualism has become a problem in the Christian Community.
God gave us the brain to think and to reason. God said come let us reason. Jesus used logic in many ways to defend or assert the truth.
To relegate intellectuality to carnality or a thing for the secular is to abdicate the rule, cultural, and spiritual direction of the nation to a pagan academia which produce future scholars, politicians , judges, lawyers and businessmen that rule the nation with pagan worldview,
If we do not stand to engage the opposition we will be responsible of raising a generation who will not know the true God.